52歌赋>英语词典>linguistic process翻译和用法

linguistic process

英 [lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk ˈprəʊses]

美 [lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk ˈprɑːses]

网络  语言过程



  • the cognitive processes involved in producing and understanding linguistic communication
    1. he didn't have the language to express his feelings
  • a process involved in human language


    • The present study sheds light on how the application of these linguistic markers turns the process of courtroom questioning into a comprehensible and strategic interaction.
    • The content to source language consists of linguistic message and extra linguistic message. Translation is a process of analysing and re organizing the two kinds of messages.
    • Metaphor is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but a process of conceptualization of the world.
    • This thesis might be taken for reference in English teaching. Teachers could apply linguistic theories to the analysis of a certain linguistic phenomenon in teaching process, thus arousing students 'interest in English learning and promoting their communicative competence.
    • These inseparable three properties make it possible for human beings to constantly make linguistic choices in the process of using language.
    • Responding in Chinese courtroom setting is defined as a dynamic linguistic choice-making process in which responders choose responses to adapt to the constantly changing contexts with the ultimate purpose of realizing or approaching their goals.
    • Hence, the use of ECs is also a linguistic choice-making process, in which language users make adaptation consciously or unconsciously to achieve successful communication goals.
    • And the change of three scholars ′ attitude to Chinese linguistic history reflects the process of western scholars understanding this research tradition.
    • In the postcolonial context, translation is no longer a purely linguistic and largely impersonal process for achieving semantic equivalence between texts.
    • It takes choice and adaptation as its foundation, and explores the psychological mechanism of human linguistic communication, and its process and the roles of social cultures. It reveals the essence of the language use.